Pune Journal of Religious Studies
(ISSN: P-0972-3331 | E-2582-8711)
Jnanadeepa Journal
Jnanadeepa (=”Light of Wisdom” pronounced as Gyanadeepa) is a interdisciplinary quarterly journal of religious studies from Indian Christian perspectives published four times a year. It is brought out by scholars from Jnana Deepa, Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune 411 014, India.
As a journal of religious studies, it:
Respects all religions and faith traditions, including agnosticism and atheism.
Promotes a world-view that is respectful of all and goes beyond fundamentalist or sectarian world-views.
Enters into meaningful dialogue with all religious and wisdom traditions for a harmonious and sustainable community life.
Is convinced that the spiritual and moral values of a society is crucial for its survival, especially when we are deeply interconnected.
Believes that conflicts between different groups of people can be resolved through mutually respectful dialogue and creative solutions.
Holds that each one is responsible for the religious development of oneself and the other.
Encourages all to search together visions for the betterment of humanity, irrespective of caste, creed and ethnicity.
Jnanadeepa is published quarterly in January, April, July and October. It advocates an inclusive world-view and dialogical approach between religions and traditions.
This journal is peer-reviewed.
It is open access (CC BY) journal.
© rests with individual authors.
Opinions expressed are solely of individual authors, not of the editor or journal. The management is in no way liable for content of the articles.
Please note that Jnanadeepa is not in the list of UGC-Care journals.
Jnanadeepa is an Open Access Journal (CC BY), double-blind peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal.
© The authors retain the full copyright of the articles.
Last updated: Jan 10, 2022
Earlier VersionsJan 19, 2021Mar 21, 2021Dec 20, 2021
Jnana Deepa
Jnana Deepa (JD): Institute of Philosophy and Theology (Pontifical Athenaeum), Pune, India, owns and manages the journal. JDV has a history going back to 1893. It was then that Pope Leo XIII founded the Papal Seminary in Kandy, Sri Lanka, part of the United India.
In 1955 the Papal Seminary (and Papal Athenaeum) was shifted from Kandy, Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) to Pune, in close proximity to De Nobili College, Pune, the Jesuit Theology Centre.
As a Pontifical University, JD seeks to be open to all religious traditions and form leaders who are committed and responsible to the Christian community and country.
Subscription Details
For printed version of the journal we charge a nominal amount of Rs 350/- $30 per year or Rs 900/- or $80 for three years.
Name of the Account: Jnana Deepa Institute of Philosophy and Theology
Savings Account Number: 0261101010098
Name of Bank: Canara Bank
Branch: Ramwadi, Pune
IFSC Code: CNRB0000261
Contact Us
Journal: journal[at]jdv.edu[.]in
Office: office[at]jdv.edu.in
Editor: kuru[at]jdv.edu[.]in
Website: www.punejournal.in
Jnanadeepa is interested in entering into exchange partnership with other sister-journals. Please contact us at journal[at]jdv[.]edu[.]in:
Postal Address
The Editor
Jnanadeepa Journal
Jnana Deepa
Ramwadi, Nagar Road
Pune 411014, India
Phone: +91 90968 72278
Landline: +91-20-27031227
Professional Profiles
OCLC: 39746721
IXTHEO: 246049707
LCCN: 98903113
Permalink VIAF ID: 151453884
ISCED-F: 0221 Religion and Theology; 0223 Philosophy and Ethics; 0313 Psychology
SEDOS Catalogue
WISC Catalogue
Missiological Journals Catalogue
WorldCat Title
© Jnanadeepa 2008-2025
Jnana Deepa, Pune, India is a Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Theology. This journal is not listed among recognised journals of India's University Grants Commission.
Current Issue
Jnanadeepa, Jan-June 2026/1-2, Joy in Hope from Fratelli Tutti is published!
Jnanadeepa, Oct-Dec 2021 25/4, Challenges and Tasks for the Asian Church, is published!
Jnanadeepa, Jan-June 2021 25/1-2 on George-Soares Prabhu, SJ, Biblical Exegete and Liberation Theologian, has just been released. Please read here.
Jnanadeepa, July-Dec 2020 24/2, focuses on Humanising Social Life. It carries two articles on Covid-19. It also remembers 25th death anniversary of JDV's pioneering Indian Biblical Scholar, George Soares-Prabhu, who died in 1995. Read Individual articles here.
Jnanadeepa Jan-June 2020. Vol 24.1 "Genuinely Christian, Truly Indian."
Read individual articles here.